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How do I seek support for our project?


I started a maize growing project in my home country Rwanda after realizing the opportunities raised from the border closure with a neighbor who has been the main supplier of Maize flour especially in the eastern part of the country. I started my project on 1 acre land in size due to my little savings from my job. With the fact that irrigation systems have been established in the area, I have plans to enlarge my project. however due to inadequate capital, it is in this regard I would like to seek financial support.

Thanks and regards



  • Hi Ally,

    Thank you for contacting us!

    In accordance with the Strategy for support via Swedish civil society organisations 2016-2022, international CSOs (Civil Society Organisations) and non-Swedish civil society groups cannot, except in exceptional cases, apply for any kind of grant or funding directly from Sida. Sida’s mission according to the above is instead to support CSOs in developing countries through Swedish Strategic Partner Organisations. Therefore - while we appreciate the work your organisation performs in Rwanda and taking your time to contact us - we are currently unable to fulfil your request.

    Should you wish to seek funding, applying for it with one of our 15 Strategic Partner Organisations is the primary way to do so. One of the largest actors is ForumCiv, which serves as an umbrella organisation for some 160 Swedish CSOs working with development cooperation across a wide range of issues.

    Please visit our website to read more about how Sida works with civil society organisations. You can also keep an eye on current calls and announcements for proposals.

    Kind regards,
    Sida Kommunikationsenheten
  • Dear The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency,

    I hope this message finds you well. My name is Esat and I came second in the national agriculture and innovation competition organized by Mesopotamia Living Lab in Turkey last month, but unfortunately my country did not support my project and our award ceremony was not even held. I am writing to seek support for my project, which aims to slow down the spread of forest fires and accelerate the response time.

    Given Sweden's commitment to innovation and sustainable development, I believe this project aligns well with your organisation's vision. Your support will be invaluable in helping us achieve our goals and make a positive impact.

    I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss this topic in more detail and explore potential collaboration. Thank you for considering my request.

    Kind regards,
    Esat İlçi

    esat ilçi
  • Dear Esat.

    Thank you for your email.

    Unfortunately, Sida does not provide financial support to individuals applying for personal support due to private needs or to individuals for starting a private project.
    Please visit Sida's website www.sida.se to find further information.
    Apply for financial support from Sida | Sida

    Kind regards,

    Sida – The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency
    Sida Kommunikationsenheten

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